Observations carried out on the ground and wall benchmarks of the building make it possible to trace the ratio of their subsidence over time. The combined graphs of subsidence of soil and foundations for different dates show that the values of subsidence of soil and foundation at the same points are not the same.
This phenomenon leads, on the one hand, to a redistribution of the vertical load along the base of the foundation, and, on the other hand, to the formation of cantilevers or cutting. The value of the incision of the foundation of the southern facade by December 1965. reached a maximum – 20 mm, after which it began to decrease and by September 1966. was 5 mm. On the northern facade, the maximum incision by December 1965 was 26 mm, after which it also began to decrease. The marked decrease in the incisions of the outer walls is associated with the cold periods of the year and indicates the movement of the building upward relative to the ground (bulging of the building). If we assume that the measurement error (for example, a defect in the superposition of lines of wall and ground benchmarks) does not exceed the value of the recorded decrease in infeed, then the uplift of the building can be caused by heaving forces when water freezes at the base of the building. Similar phenomena were also noted during observations of the underworking of other objects, for example, large-panel experimental buildings in the Karaganda basin.
As mentioned above, the building fell into the zone of negative curvature, which naturally caused the foundation to sag. The absolute value of the foundation deflection on September 19, 1966. reached 15 mm on the southern facade.
The crack in the middle of the building between the foyer and the auditorium received the largest opening. This crack played the role of an expansion joint, which should have been foreseen when designing the building.
In addition to the Shakhtar cinema, residential buildings were also affected by mining. Let’s look at some of them.
Residential building number 19 on the street. B. Khmelnitsky is located next to the Shakhtar cinema. Oriented along the longitudinal axis along the strike of the formation. Plan size 65×15 m. The building is a two-story brick building, the foundation is a brick strip.
Deformations of the earth’s surface near the house were: slope – 2 mm, horizontal deformation (compression) – 1.5 mm.