Many, wanting to make a gift in the form of a suitable bouquet, unfortunately, have no idea what flowers are appropriate to give in a particular case. And ignorance can become a real tragedy: for example, there is an opinion that if a guy presents a girl with a composition of yellow flowers, then it hints at parting. And red roses can be perceived by a colleague as an expression of passion and passionate love, although you didn’t mean anything like that. That is why it is so important to be in the subject of flower-bouquet etiquette.
Types and types of bouquets by season
There is a concept of seasonality of bouquets: winter, spring, summer and, accordingly, autumn. As a rule, in compiling the floristic composition itself, masters try to use seasonal plants:
So, winter is characterized by the use of spruce branches (even with cones), white colors, close to snowy;
Spring is rich in a wide variety of colors, delicate pastel colors, fragrance and romance in floristry;
Summer brings a riot of greenery, an abundance of wild flowers;
And in an autumn bouquet or a small sheaf, ripe ears, crimson leaves and resistant varieties of autumn flowers (gladiolus, dahlias) can even be used.
If it’s hard to figure it out on your own, but you want to choose the right bouquet for the time of year, then you should contact reliable florist shops with bouquet delivery, where there is already a filtering by category on the site, for example, bouquet.Kiev.
Composition selection rules
Even fashion in floristry dictates relevance and singles out trends. But there are certain rules that obviously follow from the nature of the celebration itself and age, gender, profession and other characteristics of the person to whom they give and who presents flowers. It is best to combine fashion + tradition in tandem so that everyone is satisfied:
It is not customary to present flowers in a flashy palette for a wedding or a traditional wedding. Such a bouquet can be appropriately decorated with ribbons or lace;
There is a great gift idea for the birth of a child or a christening – bouquets of toys, sweets and flowers;
Baskets and potted plants are acceptable to give to ladies at a respectable age;
Men’s bouquets should be different from those. What they give to women: such a composition should not be lush and pretentious, a long stem and certain tones are allowed – discreet burgundy, deep cornflower blue, emerald green, pure white, deep purple. Gladiolus buds, peonies, calla lilies, carnations are preferred as floristry components for men.
A great idea was to create a special subgroup – bouquets-bars. In addition to flowers, such a gift set will include sweets (sweets, cakes, cupcakes, donuts, etc.).P.) and even coffee. You can order the delivery of such a beautiful yummy home to your girlfriend for breakfast or your favorite colleague at lunchtime.