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How to lose belly fat fast?

by homes

The new season will tell us that we have gained excess weight – our favorite jeans do not fasten, and even the increased retraction of the stomach does not help the skirt to converge at the waist. What to do?

Option two – proper nutrition in combination with physical exercises, and surgical intervention – liposuction. But the second option can have many complications and limitations that are directly related to the patient’s health. But proper nutrition and exercise only strengthen health, although the method of losing weight is longer – it will take 3-4 weeks to obtain the desired result.

Physical exercises

Performing a series of exercises that are primarily aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles (abs) should not be periodic: if immediately after losing weight and getting a toned tummy you stop doing useful work, you will again have a problem – how to quickly lose weight in the stomach again.

Exercises for the press and waist must be done daily – in the morning and in the evening. You can additionally do yoga, Pilates, swimming and regular jogging (the duration is chosen by everyone independently). Physical activity should be not only regular, but also dosed – trying to exhaustion to fight fat will lead to exhaustion of the body and stretch marks on the skin. True, prolonged exercises with a hoop will not hurt, but will only bring additional benefits.

Physical exercises can and should be combined with modern developments of scientific medicine – massagers, special belts and gels. The combination of exercise and such technological strategies will make the body leaner and even younger.

But it should be borne in mind that, first of all, a person begins to lose weight from the upper parts of the body – this is a feature of our body: fat is burned by our internal mechanism, first of all, where it considers it the most important. Therefore, immediately after losing weight on your chest or hips, your waist will also decrease.


Just exhausting diets never give a positive effect: how quickly you lose weight, how quickly you will gain back the same kilograms that you lost.

Balanced dietary nutrition implies a gradual decrease in salt consumption, coffee, pastries and fatty foods up to their complete exclusion from the diet. As these products are excluded from the usual menu, sour-milk low-fat products, lean meat, fish, fruits and vegetables come to replace. In the daily diet, a large amount of liquid is needed, and citrus grapefruits, oranges, lemons are required; perfectly regulate the balance of fats pineapples.

If you stick to this lifestyle all the time, these problems will never bother you again. There are also many additional points on how to quickly lose weight in the stomach?

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