Wednesday, June 21, 2017.
Quite often you can find panels made of gypsum in rooms with a modern interior. Such a natural material is easy to create from it various 3D elements, figures of various sizes and shapes, relief patterns. Gypsum panels are used in the design of houses and apartments, as well as public places and rooms with a large crowd of people. Wealthy owners of mansions decorate the walls with whole plaster compositions. The presence of a plaster panel in the house is an aesthetic component of the interior and indicates the financial well-being of the owners. After all, an original panel or a composition made of gypsum by an artist by hand is not cheap.
Making a full-fledged composition with your own hands from gypsum is much more difficult than from other materials. However, only from malleable gypsum can you independently make a panel in a three-dimensional format. After all, this material is used without any additives, chemical impurities and plasticizers.
Having decided to decorate a room in a house or apartment with an original panel, you just need to go to the website of the company offering the production of original beautiful plaster panels, see the gallery of finished works and proposed options to choose your favorite masterpiece and place an order. Stucco moldings made of gypsum do not cause allergic reactions and can become a decoration in any room of the home – a bedroom and even a nursery.
Gypsum, from which panels are made, has the following advantages:
fire resistance;
thermal conductivity;
retains its original shape for quite a long time;
good sound insulation.
Due to the strength and environmental friendliness of the material, various souvenirs are made from it and used as a decor. In what style to create a composition on the wall is a matter of taste preferences of the owner. Sometimes panels are performed with a deviation from the usual standards. Such a luxurious wall decoration can radically change the design of the room. In order for the panel to stand out against the general background, it is necessary to place accents correctly. To do this, such a “picture” is framed with a frame or baguette of expressive colors.