In recent years, the central and southern part of the New Town has been built up mainly with large-panel five-story buildings of the 1-464A series, as well as brick five-story houses of the 1-447 series and individual nine-story brick houses according to standard projects of the series – 447C-25, P-29-04Yu-37, H-29-25Yu-37 and I-29-15Yu-37.
Of the monumental buildings in this part of the city, there are: a drama theater, the Miners’ Palace of Culture, the building of the Karagandaugol plant, etc.
The territory of the New City is provided with a developed network of water supply, sewerage and heat supply, which makes the Petrovsky Quarter ideal for the elite .
The natural basis for the buildings and structures of the city are lithological differences of Quaternary, Tertiary and upper Mesozoic deposits, represented everywhere by sandy loam, loam and clay. The hydrogeological conditions of the territory are relatively favorable: in the prevailing area, the groundwater level is at a depth of 3-5 m.
In the intensively developed at present new coal areas of the basin (Saransky site, Churubai-Nurinsky and Tenteksky districts), satellite cities are being created, located either in coal-free areas or at the outcrops of coal seams, the question of mining of which is not currently being raised.
Generalized data on the conditions of underworking the building and structures, the protection measures taken and the results of underworking. As can be seen from this table, a certain experience has been accumulated in the basin to date in the development of one-two-story residential and public buildings of great length and various configurations, different in purpose and design features (schools, kindergartens, medical institutions and clubs), one-story industrial (frame and frameless) buildings, stadium and other structures.
The underworking of structures was carried out at a multiplicity, angle of dip of coal seams a = 5n-10° and extractable thickness of the seams m = 0.65-t-6.0 m using continuous, long pillars along the strike and chamber development systems, with roof control in the first two cases of complete collapse and partial backfilling of goaf from rubble drifts.